Before and during…

…but not yet, After.

A clean studio was not even on my resolution list, and yet in such a tiny room, tossing and organizing are essential to getting back to work.  I have not done such a thorough job in years. No wonder it has taken me three days to get 2/3 of the way through. I’ll be so psyched when I can finally post the results of this new year clean sweep!

Studio as closet/hiding place/catch-all during the holidays:

I clear one space, only to fill the area with temporarily put things from the other places I am clearing:

Maddening but solvable, kind of like this:


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7 responses to “Before and during…

  1. katrina

    The good thing is it is still Jan. 6, even though you posted it as Jan 7, so you have an extra day to finish getting organized!


  2. fernald244

    Blogging = time warp!


  3. holly

    oooo! so far, so good!


  4. This blog is better than your reporting days———-it’s in real time. Good luck .


  5. LeAnn

    Oh you are so much further ahead in clearing up than I am! My ‘studio’ / guest room is waiting to be put back together. waiting. waiting…..


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