In good company

Holly Kellogg and I challenged each other to send in photographs of our PMC  work to the PMC Annual #3. The 2009 edition will be published this fall. A total of  456 images were reviewed by a four member panel to select the 109 photographs that will appear in the book. Participants come from eight countries and 25 states in the U.S.  The challenge was worth it! Both Holly and I will each have photos in the upcoming PMC Annual. We are psyched!

When I looked at the list of this year’s selected artists, I saw that Jackie Haines is the only other participant from Maine. How cool that we were together at the Northeast Harbor Invitational Arts and Crafts Show last weekend. I told her I thought it was fun that we were the only ones chosen from Maine, and there we were in the same little show in N.E.H. Her response, “I got in?” She had not yet seen the list published on the PMC Guild Web site.

I am in good company. I love my growing network of PMC artist friends, and I love that we are going to be published this fall.



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4 responses to “In good company

  1. holly

    wow! only 109 of over 400?! that’s so cool!!!!
    by the way, my hole-shrinking mullings got me nowhere, really…maybe the shrinkage in a ring has to do with the thickness of the clay OR the fact that the clay is rolled out in a specific direction and then turned into a tube…maybe there’s something to do with the particles getting lined up with a certain directionality when it’s rolled out….


  2. Susan White

    Woo Hoo!! Congratulaltions!!!!


  3. fernald244

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks. We are all pretty happy about it.

    Hi Holly, more hole experiments to come.
    ie. What if I make a ring from a rolled out piece of metal clay, and cut it to size. Will it still fit or will it shrink? I’m trying it tomorrow!
    Oh yeah, need to order more clay.


  4. holly

    oooohhhhh…what a good idea! i wouldn’t have thought of that….how many cards will you be rolling it? gosh, you could do some cool stacking rings at 6 or 7 cards….can’t wait to hear the results!


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