Happy first day of the 12th month

Before getting up for day two of the IAA Holiday Craft Fair, I was greeted again by a bright display of Venus in the skylight.


As the sky lightened, the clouds arrived.  (Still a pretty good show!)


I didn’t take any photos at the fair today, other than the one of this outfit because I liked it so much! Great hat!


I always enjoy myself at this fair, seeing many friends I don’t get to see on the island, laughing and chatting with the other crafts people, seeing friends from the island who know exactly where to start their holiday shopping, and meeting new people. This fair is a favorite for many of us. I had several people ask if I had been in for my “November dip” as a result of this piece in last month’s Working Waterfront. Cindy, one of my dip of the month club buddies, came by today. As she left to look at all of the wonderful work in the room she turned back and said, “Hey Barb. It’s supposed to get up to 50° on Monday. What do you think? December dip?”  It’s a no brainer. High tide will be in the afternoon. We’re in.

It was  good to get feedback on some of my newer work and I was pleased to sell both of the leafy necklaces.



Kaitlyn and I were fortunate to be able to hire a special boat home at 5:30. It was cold, just starting to snow, and we were beat. Each of us was ready for a warm night by our own wood stove, and Cory and Bruce were on the dock at Islesford, waiting to help us lug our wares home when the boat pulled in.

I like to take pictures from the ferry, so here we are heading out of the harbor as a fishing boat was heading in.


Time to rest the eyes!


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