Work in progress

Necklace sections, soon to be assembled.

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Islesford beach rocks, English sea glass (Seaham Beach), handmade fine silver beads, 3mm sterling silver round beads, polymer clay, lampworked glass beads…



Holly, I couldn’t reply to your comment with a photo, so I’ll edit the post. I’ll use these groupings to make some necklaces similar to this one:IMGP7976


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9 responses to “Work in progress

  1. holly

    so fun to see your process! what happens after this? do the groupings come off the wires they’re on (maybe they’re joined together) or are more added to each one? did you make those silver cylinder beads? xoxo


    • See above! Yes, I did make the cylinder beads with PMC. They’re hollow and messy but fun to make. I make a wax armature first and cover it with PMC then melt out the wax, and patch holes and finish before firing.
      Hey, what are you doing at the end of August?? xoxo


  2. Hi Barbara….love that necklace and your studio work! Just a comment re the PMC. I have been trying hollow PMC and never used a wax armature method. Is there any safety concerns with the wax melting out and catching fire in the kiln as my commercial kiln is built with exposed elements….these have never been a problem when doing my lampwork beads? Can any kind of was be used? x


    • Hi Sue, Thanks! I’ve been using some sculpting wax (
      that I had lying around to make the shapes. I then cover them with PMC that is rolled out to about 2 cards thick. I make two exit holes for the wax and put the pieces on a paper towel on top of a cup warmer. As the piece heats up, the wax starts melting out and is absorbed by the paper towel. Once the unfired pice of clay is dry and hollow, I fill the holes and finish the outside surface. Then I fire it in the kiln. So, I haven’t tried firing the wax filled pieces in the kiln. I don’t know if they would cause a fire hazard that way. As it is, I keep a close eye on the melting wax and the cup warmer. It’s messy, but I’ve become used to doing it this way. I use a different technique for the little circular beads with the design on each side. No wax. Hope this helps!


  3. Each one is so beautiful! I so admire your creative eye :)


  4. Oh wow, this is so beautiful!


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