Tag Archives: Alone Moose Gallery

Would-be bracelets in a chaotic summer



I’m quite happy with this simple bracelet design of beach rocks or sea glass with sterling silver tubing. The bracelets are strung on 1mm elastic. When I made a prototype last winter, I was concerned about the elastic rubbing against the edge of the tube and wearing out. I kept the bracelet near the TV and as Bruce and I watched a movie, I would stretch and pull against the metal tube, counting to 100 stretches, and marking it in my sketchbook. I stretched the elastic over 2,000 times, pulling it directly against the edge of the tube at least 80% of those times. No wear and tear. I also wore the bracelet, a lot, doing daily stuff both on and off the island. The design works!

As I set down to make a few of the bracelets for Alone Moose Gallery in Bar Harbor, yesterday, I could NOT find the silver tubes I ordered a few weeks ago. I looked for 2 hours, combing the house, my studio, everywhere I could think of. I had no “picture” in my mind as to where I had put them. I was looking for a package I was sure I had never opened. 20 sterling silver tubes!  I really hate wasting my time looking for something I have misplaced. It seems like the most stupid use of time there ever was. With a sinking feeling I realized I must have thrown them out.

I finished the necklaces to drop off today at Alone Moose, ate dinner, looked one more time for the tubes, and gave in. I ordered more, and set up some rocks to drill so I would be ready when the tubes arrive. As I gathered the glass cups full of rocks I noticed the edge of an invoice with “Fusion Beads” in the corner. My silver tube beads! Unpacked, but never stored in a likely place.

Is it time to clean my studio or what?!



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Beach rock brooch in silver

Alone Moose Gallery , where I have my work in Bar Harbor, is celebrating their 36th year of business with a show.

“36 Brooches…Made in Maine” will open on Saturday, and I wanted to be part of it as soon as I heard Sherry Rasmussen’s plans for the show last winter. Did I design and make a brooch last winter? Um, no. I am a last minute girl who needs the pressure of a deadline for just about everything I do. (Hmmm…no wonder I like living on an island with a ferry schedule to follow.)

When Sherry e-mailed me last week asking if I was still going to participate in the show, I figured I’d better get going. I actually had been thinking about this brooch for a while, but just couldn’t come up with a design until I sat down at the bench with my metal clay. Since beach rocks are a part of my everyday life, I decided to go in that direction.

The brooch is slightly  heavy; probably more suited to being worn on a sweater or jacket. The pin findings are soldered on, but the two smaller rocks were attached and fired in place in the kiln.

I like the shape of this elongated beach rock, so I decided to explore it a little more.




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